Who We Are
In the late 1980s, a dream began to take shape in the hearts of two young college students, Shayne and Julie O’Brien. They imagined a church where people who didn’t like church would be willing to come. As the years went by, they researched locations and prayed for the place God would send them, and in 2001 they moved to the growing city of Leander, Texas. After getting involved in the community, starting a Bible study in their home, and renting a facility, the dream finally became a reality. RockPointe Church held its first Sunday service on Easter of 2002.
The first message series Shayne preached was called “8 Steps to a Happy Life”, based on the principles of recovery. From the very beginning, RockPointe Church has been all about helping people heal from life’s hurts. The reality is: everybody hurts, everybody struggles, no matter how “put together” they may look. Wherever you’ve been or whatever you’ve done, God has a plan for you and He loves you.
Whatever your circumstances—single, married, single again, with or without children—you will be welcomed at RockPointe Church, and each week you will hear about how much God loves you and how much you matter to Him.